F. Patrick Butler

Order the book: Cavorting with Strangers - (Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris)

Order the book: Cavorting with Strangers - (Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris) Order Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris by F. Patrick Butler

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Hardcover: 25% discount

Book, Paperback: Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris - by F. Patrick Butler

List Price: $19.95
Web Price: $14.95
Save: $5.00 (25%)

US Shipping: $3.94 (USPS Parcel Post) - more shipping info
Packing & Handling: $1.99

Product Details:

Availability: January 11, 2007
Ships from and sold by CavortingWithStrangers.com.

Paperback: 576 pages
Publisher: Cypress House (December 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1879384712


2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for
goods and services provided by Snapper Point Publishing.

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Order Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris by F. Patrick Butler

Book, Hardcover: Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris - by F. Patrick Butler

List Price: $29.95
Web Price: $22.45
Save: $7.50 (25%)

US Shipping: $4.55 (USPS Parcel Post) - more shipping info
Packing & Handling: $1.99

Product Details:

Availability: January 11, 2007
Ships from and sold by CavortingWithStrangers.com.

Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Cypress House (December 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781879384729


2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for
goods and services provided by Snapper Point Publishing.

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Order Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris by F. Patrick Butler

Autographed Paperback: Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris - by F. Patrick Butler

Price: $19.95 (This copy will be autographed by the author, F. Patrick Butler)

US Shipping: $3.94 (USPS Parcel Post) - more shipping info
Packing & Handling: $1.99

Product Details:

Availability: January 11, 2007
Ships from and sold by CavortingWithStrangers.com.

Paperback: 576 pages
Publisher: Cypress House (December 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1879384712


2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for
goods and services provided by Snapper Point Publishing.

Credit cards accepted

Order Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris by F. Patrick Butler

Autographed Hardcover: Cavorting with Strangers: Great Ideas and Their Champions: Paris - by F. Patrick Butler

Price: $29.95 (This copy will be autographed by the author, F. Patrick Butler)

US Shipping: $4.55 (USPS Parcel Post) - more shipping info
Packing & Handling: $1.99

Product Details:

Availability: January 11, 2007

Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Cypress House (December 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781879384729


2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for
goods and services provided by Snapper Point Publishing.

Credit cards accepted



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